Our services for employees

We can help you with pre-employment screening and occupational requirements such as off shore and DVLA medicals. You can either complete the pre-employment questionnaire shown below and we will come back to you with some ideas on the medicals you need or you can contact us direct to discuss it.

All your medical and personal information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality according to General Medical Council guidelines and if there is any need to share it with anyone your consent will be sought first.

Applying for a job?

If your employer has asked you to come to this site and download a pre-employment screening form for you to complete so that you can be declared as ‘fit for work’ then the process is simple.


Download our pre-employment screening form (PREM form) from this page


Complete the form and email it back to contact@totalhealthworks.co.uk, or print the form and send to Kemp House, 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX.


Our Specialist Doctor will make an occupational Health assessment based on the form. If they have any further questions they may ring you to ask any relevant questions.


Our Doctor will complete a “Fit For Work” certificate and send it to your employer so that they can complete the final arrangements in employing you.


All your medical and personal information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality according to General Medical Council guidelines and if there is any need to share it with anyone your consent will be sought first.